Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Turn over a rock in the swamp when you're hungry...

... and you'll find a Diet of Worms.

Which is surprising, since in my experience Viagravillains are rarely comfortable discussing the consumption of their worms in public. That might well be why so few of them dare comment here...

And incidentally, my dear pseudo-Aleandro, since we all know you'll be reading this as soon as it's posted would you mind sharing with us all why you're so convinced anyone was joking? Courts rarely joke when people get caught attempting to fraudulently remove assets not their own - nor do the cell-mates of firm young fresh-faced former clergy. And neither do - as our curly-haired young friend may soon discover - conservatives who've spent years banging the "get-tough-on-crime" drum without ever stopping to consider what routinely happens in the under-resourced over-crowded prisons they've so enthusiastically helped create.

I'm Father Christian and I teach the Bible.


Frank Remkiewicz aka “Tree” said...

Would I sound terribly ignorant if I said, "Huh?"

Robert said...

We are all terrible ignorant in the shadow of The Rev. Dr.

The Rev. Dr. Christian Troll said...

Visit the first link, my children, which I'll repost for you here, and the scales shall be lifted from your eyes.

Frank Remkiewicz aka “Tree” said...

Okay, as Bubba would say, "Smoke 'em if ya got'em".

Lynn said...

My, my Dr. Troll...you did get a little spanking from DoW. Tut, tut. But it's nice to know he doesn't think prison rape is funny. I hope he tells Bishop Akinola that it wouldn't be funny to have LGBTs raped in Nigerian prisons. I'm sure that would make Big P. think again about endorsing incarceration for sexual preference (or caring about someone so inclined). Right? Oh.

I don't know why he's all worked up about Father K. being put in jail. It happens all the time to martyrs in the Bible, right?

Leonard said...

Saint Busy Britches? Saint Unzipped? Saint Stickyfingers? Saint Pintificate? Saint Spewhate?...well, Lynn, you got me going...it´s ALL your fault and I refuse to accept responsibility for my own character (flaw ha-ha)!

The Rev. Dr. Christian Troll said...

And do doubt the little Viagravillain is equally concerned and revolted by heterosexual rape...

BTW, my dear sinners, whacking out at one of little Greg Griffith's cash-cows really does send one's hit-rate through the roof!!! I thoroughly recommend it to anyone seeking a boost in traffic.

Cany said...

What amazes me is that it takes a secular court to determine what we, ourselves, should be able to see.

Then, of course, the secular court becomes the target while the perp walks among his faithful minions.

Talk about screwed up...