“Don’t tell my wife, but when we were on honeymoon in Scotland, back in July 2008, I kept sneaking away to telephone friends in Forward in Faith ...”
The Reverend John P Richardson

Hmmm… it must indeed have been a erotic few days, as this picture of the titillating telephonist clearly illustrates.
Now you’ll all have to excuse me, My Beloved Sinners, because I must rush. Not only does Rev. Richardson’s blog contain even more Google advertising than my own, but at the bottom of the page, underneath the list headed “Links to this post” (he’ll be so proud to see me included there), is a large advertisement featuring a Slavic woman with even larger breasts and an invitation to “Browse Russian Girls Now!”.
Since I suspect the faux-vicar (I believe he’s actually an “Assistant Minister”, which is what evangelicals call Curates for fear of leading people astray into Catholicism) will be far too busy chatting to Forward in Faith luvvies to dedicate as much attention to these ostentatiously mammalian post-Soviet sirens as his advertised ministry to them will demand it would be remiss of me to delay any further my response to their plaintive cries. Now where's that credit card Bishop Quinine stole from little Phil Ashey?
I’m Father Christian and I teach the Bible.
He got the ugly part correct.
Now Dah-veed, As a likeminded enthusiast of drop dead gorgeous it is clear that WE must be quietly charitable in the above case...but certainly you´ve noticed that most of ¨them¨ do look like that...apparently he uses the same dentist as the Lord of York (heck, for a few, err, Bolivars we could have them done over in a jiff and then we´d all be happy...especially the Mrs´s no doubt!).
Perhaps that site is where Ugley found his own helpmeet.
I see this ugly man wrote a book about Almighty God having sex. Is there no end to the man's blasphemous depravity?
I'm not sure that guys who post pictures of their ass at seriously disreputable sites are in much of a position to cast stones, David.
Rabbit, as far as I know there is only one photo and it has been posted at only one site. I did not post that photo. Nor did I send it to MP.
A seriously naughty nephew, the same one who burst into the bathroom and snapped the photo, sent it to MP, who was more that happy to use it.
Are you going to disrespect your friends because you have a dispute with MP? I have not disrespected you.
But all that aside, you were not able to appreciate the harmless photo of my ass?
Who got out of bed the wrong side this morning, then? A joke, silly!
rabbits do not have attractive buttocks
Fortunately I do not have to see them
Sheer green-eyed, slime-laden spite. I presume your claim to vicar status is as "satirical" as you think your site is. You seem to have a cosy coterie of equally nasty eggers-on. Excuse me if I never take you seriously should I ever encounter you in the flesh. I certainly won't online.
Could Anonymous be Ugley himself?
He's certainly spiteful enough to be the Ugley One himself.
And how can you be so certain you haven't encountered me in the flesh, my dear little admirer?
The vehemence of your comment - as well as your anonymity - suggest you take me very seriously indeed. As well you should.
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