Meanwhile, I must tell you all that I have extremely busy advising an old friend of mine, Colonel Gaddafi, or as he prefers to be called for reasons of brevity, “The Brotherly Leader and Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya”. Now, before anyone jumps to any unwholesome conclusions, I am indeed perfectly aware that he is foreigner (and consequently am always most

In fact our relationship goes back to 1986, when St. Ronald Reagan bombed Libya. A small explosive device of only a couple of megatons happened to hit one of Gaddafi’s daughters, allegedly killing her, and the President’s office understandably contacted me for ethical guidance in the wake of this minor collateral event. Of course I was quite easily able to put everyone’s minds at ease, since the child had clearly already been born, and I’ve always maintained that the Bible makes it quite clear that killing a child is only sinful if the infant is not yet born. After that – as opponents of Obamacare are making quite clear – you can do what you like. Especially if the child is poor, or not white.
Having resolved matters at this end, I was then requested to contact the wackiest thing to come out the desert since Wile. E. Coyote cured his obsession with that annoying bird in the hope that my sapiential counsel might help prevent a reoccurrence of the events which led up to this unfortunate misunderstanding. And believe me, My Beloved Sinners, our meeting was initially quite tense, since - as anyone who has ever tried reasoning with the Archbishop of Sydney’s younger brother can testify - psychopathic dictators are not used to listening to anything other than their own praises.
Still, after a little while I was able to shift the subject to a topic of great interest to him; namely that of disciplining his country’s citizens or, as he prefers to call them, his “children”. It just so happened that I had brought with a quantity of material by none other than little James Dobson, and you’d better believe there was no way Muammar could resist peaking at anything called “Dare To Discipline”. From there it was only a short step my thrilling retelling of the famous Dachshund incident, after which it was clear I’d made yet another convert. Although not even I can deny that the way the Lion of Libya afterwards kept chuckling over the phrase “whipping the wiener” was just a tad creepy.
Even so, as a result of our epoch-changing meeting I can with confidence reassure any who may be worried about events currently taking place in that charming. Since that day I know for a fact that Gaddafi has been an enthusiastic devotee of Dr. Dobson’s parenting style, and what we’re seeing today is nothing more than a loving father teaching his willful and rebellious offspring that there are such things as “boundaries”, and that these need to be respected. Sure instead of a firmly administered spanking he’s using Kalashnikovs and some strange fluorescent chemicals which melts skin, but that’s really just a small matter of logistics. The principle is the same, and it’s one I wish every parent would embrace: nothing teaches a child to love you like thrashing them to within an inch of their life. Or on occasion a little bit beyond. It’s really just a matter of plain common sense, isn’t it?
I’m Father Christian and I teach the Bible.
Hark, ye is correct, Dearest Highest, Brightest Flyingest one of them all!
The above stunting photo of the brocaded arch-a-madizzie Leader, does, in facto, look much like the entire group photo (with accompanying 40 page press release) of the Anglican Communion Institute of noncluster!
Makes me wonder if Donald Armstrong is still strutting around in his official ACI togs since they dumped him?
Do them delusionists drink (lots)?
Not look´n too good these daze! Surely Contessa Consuela ought be rushed in for a little mouth to mouth and put some colour in them upper cheeks?
Yours devotedly,
Lic. D. Herman Hoggmuller-Gomez, DDS, ESQ, VIP, RIP
The above wasn´t me (much).
Thank you for your nonrecognition (should there be some--or not),
Doña Vernon Gipper-Sanchez Trill
If I did not know you better Father Christian, I would swear that you were playing cribbage with Archduke Duncan and only one peg!
Cards, Brother Schwartz, are the devil's plaything,and I personally never touch them if the deck has not been furtively marked in advance. Unless, of course, the backs feature pictures of nudists playing volleyball.
Saw nudists playing volleyball at Baker Beach. Not a pretty sight. Still photos on cards may be ok. Action shots, not so. Lots of floppiness on all sides.
An old BBC programme - radio, thank G-d! - featured regular updates of the activities of the Over-80's Nudist Leapfrog Team, PP.
I notice Peter Ould is featured on the Sydney Anglican Website. It's pretty obvious that Peter is another dog's body for the Sydney Mafia who can only exist by silencing their opponents.
They may link to Prostate Pete, Anon 12:57, but from what I've heard they'll never let him minister in their midst. They may preach that sexuality is a matter of choice, but they certainly don't practise that delusion.
Incidentally, yesterday I enjoyed a fascinating telephone conversation with the author of the piece to which you link - the resultant post will be up very soon: in the meantime let's just say that Lord Volder-Jensen must work his slaves extremely hard if the pathetic exhaustion in his voice was anything to go by...
Yes a Serf in Mordor would be continually mopping up from a constant fall out! The 'guilt of the cross' can justify all manner of blood spillage of Jesus' brothers and sisters. However I'm sure Jesus would prefer that Russell was mopping up Mordor blood.
Do Prostate Pete's antipodean friends know about his proctological theology blog?
Since the site logs indicate they visit here on a daily basis it can only be a matter of time until the Orcs of Mordor are discussing the pleasures of the prostate as enthusiastically as any post-gay British curate.
You know, proctotheology might be the next big thing in Sydney.
Seeing how as what they've had their heads up there for years, a finger or two is hardly a problem, is it?
Stan, you have been watching one too many videos.
Anyone you know?
Poor Phillip just can't stand anyone criticising him. It brings out the worst in him. He has an image problem...his image has to be plastered all over the internet on hundreds of websites.
Someone once said that he couldn't handle debate because he had to control thought. Patricia Brennan wanted to debate him on women's equality in the 80's and he refused to debate her. He told the go between that he didn't debate lesbians! Is Fr Carte is a lesbian?
Anyone you know Stan?
To be hoped Prostate Pete doesn't see that ad, Jane.
I fear that having each just completed watching that advertisement for the 739th consecutive time Prostate Pete and his twin ("Outraged of Neutral Bay") are busy composing letters of complaint to those responsible.
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