Naturally Faux-Cardinal Don Harvey begged me to attend and present an inspirational message of Doctrinal Orthodoxy to the cheerful throng, but unfortunately the event coincided with the three days I had to stay home and wash my hair. After much prayerful consideration, and a vision from the Holy Spirit involving Mounties, lumberjacks, and a hot tub full of hockey jocks, Brother Richthofen and his friends from seminary felt called to go on my behalf.
Here’s a photo they took of a particularly sensitive moment between Canada’s most important Christian and his United States suzerain: as soon as the boys stop making whoo-hoo noises I expect they’ll have more to report…

Does Mrs Duncan know that her Beloved is being propositioned by a Jewish woman?
It´s so hard to know who´s in the know when both of them have NO idea what they are doing other than running as fast as they can into the cement wall of religious hypocrisy.
I think they are both in the NO!
I thought Love is nver having to say you are sorry.
Finally, my magic word is atrophe. There must be something to this magic word.
Say the magic word and pluck you amgic twanger froggy!
Fr Christian
Pray tell, can you advise just what the lesbian, soft-porn photograph George Conger has chosen to illustrate his piece on the Australian Appellate Court's decision says about him. Screen-grab it before it goes!
And, dear Anglican, such a lovely headline as well. Any time one can read the words 'homosexuals' and 'blow' in such close proximity is indeed a fine time.
Prettier than Mr Conger, Anglican, no question.
I suspect they are saying sweet nothings to each other... "Bobby, you have got a lot ear wax. Ugh!"
Fr. Maxwell Smart+
My Sinners - I am indeed indebted to you for this wonderful tip!
It's true-gays really are over-represented in the ranks of the clergy.
I don't visit because I don't believe in calling Protestant clergy "Father"-it's a Pre-Raphaellite affectation, like chasubles, incense, prayers for the dead and to the saints.
Little Brad!! How nice to see you back again!!!
How's your fight with Pratt's Disease going? And how were you able to post here without visiting?
Your Loving Father,
The Rev. Dr. Troll
One of the qualities that atheists share with ghosts.
Please don't call yourself my father; I don't call myself your son.
And you haven't answered any of my questions.
The Pratt's Disease? Never heard of it.
Stand up when you're speaking to me, my son. Nobody can hear you when you're sitting down.
Your Wise Father,
The Rev. Dr. Troll
I suspect that "Brad" is in truth the alter ego of a certain English perpetual curate, Fr Christian. If so, the symptoms of Pratt's Disease would be an uncannily accurate self-diagnosis.
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